HOLIDAY ORDER DEADLINE 12/18 + Free shipping on orders over $75 Free shipping on orders over $75


More Perks for Old Pine Candle Club

More Perks for Old Pine Candle Club

Candle Club members: Take advantage of your free shipping by adding one-time purchases to your monthly subscription.

Old Pine offers $5 flat-rate shipping on all orders. But one perk of being in the Old Pine Candle Club is free shipping. Members sign up to get a pure soy candle candle each month (we curate the scent to match the season) and we cover shipping, making the cost of membership $22 a month - the cost of one pure soy wax candle. We also offer the option to receive a candle every two months or every three months.

Candle Club comes with other perks, like a free welcome gift.

Now, as a Candle Club member, you can take full advantage of this perk by adding one-time purchases to your monthly subscription. To do this any time, just access your ReCharge subscription profile. (There's a direct link to it in each month's reminder email, sent three days before your subscription ships.) Add one-time candle purchases in ReCharge and they will be mailed with your next shipment. Shipping stays free! Saves you some cash, saves us some packaging, and shaves off a bit of carbon emissions.

If you ever have any trouble with or questions about adding to your Candle Club order, just email us at 

Candle Club is curated to match the season, but you can request which scent you want any time just by emailing us at 

Join the Old Pine Candle Club here.